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TJC Committees

As the project to relocate to a Highway 49 campus gets underway, the intent of our committee is to share as much information as possible with our HBC members. We will do so through regular meetings and updates both from the pulpit and through our Connect groups. We will also regularly publish a newsletter to share updates and activity of our committees. Those newsletters click on the TJC Newsletter page.

Steering Committee:

This committee will be responsible to the church to accomplish the entire task that is approved in the motion: Build a facility on the 49 property, Relocate our entire campus, Leave a sustained ministry presence on the east side of Paragould. This committee will also chair the four sub committees and bring items to the church for approval as needed. For instance, all allocation of funds must be approved by the church body.

Raney Nutt, Chairman 870-926-0260

Bryant Marshall 870-974-0331

Gordon Miller 870-926-2471

Bob Wells 870-239-2438

Toni Fulton 870-240-3714

The sub committees will report to the Steering Committee. These sub committees are as follows:   


This sub-committee would be responsible for the overall giving and fundraising for the building and relocation project. They will promote regular stewardship (tithing) and plan for fundraising above our regular tithes and offerings to pay for the construction and relocation both immediate and long-term. 

Bryant Marshall, Chairman - 870-974-0331

Sherry Acuff

Butch Cooper

Tony Forehand

Larry Singleton

Larisa Wallace


This sub-committee would be responsible for determining the values of the existing campus and negotiating the sale and bringing the proposal to the Steering Committee for approval and then for church approval. They would also be responsible for determining what we can afford to build and arranging any financing required for the short or long-term need. 

Gordon Miller, Chairman - 870-926-2471

Jackie Fulton

Mary Hester

Bob Hodge

Staci Williams

Kelly Wright


This sub-committee would be responsible for selecting the architect and contractors to carry out the project. They would help develop the overall plan to present to the Steering Committee and then to the church. They would work hand in hand with Finance, Stewardship, and Transition to make sure every i is dotted and every t crossed to make sure we are living within our means and meeting the needs of our congregation now and for decades to come. This committee would also oversee the construction and help keep it on target for both time and expense.

Bob Wells, Chairman - 870-239-2438

Kayci Blake

Tommy Bowers

Donna Hicks

Tommy Justus

Sue McGowan

Gary D Wise


This sub-committee would work with the staff and church leadership to plan our transition from the current campus to the new campus. They would work with the staff to determine what looks like and how it would be done. Again, all of these decisions would report through the Steering Committee. They would also work to plan the "sustained ministry presence on the east side of Paragould" and determine what that looks like for both the short and longer term. 

Tony Fulton, Chairman - 870-240-3714

Jason Branch

Brent Johnson

Michael Parsons

Mark Miller

Tim Dowler

Kim Hunt